Vedic Insights: Achieving Balance Through Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, herbs, diet, yoga, pranayama (breath-work) and other therapies can be used to restore a person's constitutional balance, thus reviving clarity and vitality. There are three basic body-mind biologies that combine in different proportions within each individual person. These three are collectively called DOSHAS – individually they are VATA, PITTA and KAPHA. Each individual has an “in-born” state and a “current-state” of their body-mind chemistry. Refer to the descriptions below.

Pulse readingRestoring balance

Certain herbs and therapies can help clogged or exhausted glands, organs and metabolic channels recover from the affects of stress, poor waste elimination, poor eating habits or other lifestyle and environmental issues. Others address emotional, energetic and neurological imbalances. A personalized herbal formula is designed, or selected from the market, by a trained practitioner. Usually, each formula is followed for 2-3 months, changing seasonally, with adjustments for shifts in your personal balance.

A food list is also provided to assist with dietary changes. Upon request, suggestions for yoga, meditation, pranayama (breath-work) and other lifestyle modifications may be provided.


Ayurvedic doshas - Identifying Imbalance

VATA - neurological and kinetic biology - gives lightness, agility and energy plus rhythmic and smooth function of all "movement" in bodily functions such as breathing and peristalsis. It is also responsible for alert sensory intake and such qualities as initiative, inventiveness, enthusiasm, joy and quick forgiveness.

It's qualities of space and lightness counter density and gravity in the body's structures and are easily observed in gaseous and electrical biochemistry of the body.

As kinetic energy, VATA has a key role for the body and mind because it is the enabler of other functions -- it incites other processes as an electromagnetic force.

PITTA - thermal and transformative biology - gives effective physical and psycho-emotional digestion, resulting in proportional physique and mental acuity. PITTA balances the often opposing energies of VATA and KAPHA.

It enables efficient bio-chemical workings throughout the body such as proper digestion, absorption, assimilation of food stuffs, as well as assimilation of sensory experiences, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

PITTA yields intelligence, with good powers of discernment, enabling such personal qualities as insightful judgment, empathy, assertiveness and leadership ability. PITTA is the key principal in all radiant and chemical processes.

KAPHA – substantive biology - gives bulk, beauty, softness and proper lubrication throughout the body. It yields the form and structure of bones, tissues, organs, etc. It has many key roles in the brain and central nervous system for such things as long-term memory and innate brain function. It plays a role in the protective structures of the body, e.g., cell walls, mucous membranes, nerve sheaths, gastric linings, etc.

It plays a key role in the psycho-chemical experiences of tranquility and contentment. It is behind such personal qualities as steadiness, stamina, stability, compassion, love and loyalty.

It provides a well-buffered, stable environment to "host" the biochemical (PITTA) and kinetic (VATA) processes. KAPHA is key for the structure and lubrication of mechanical workings throughout the body.